(Posted on Feb 07, 2016 by Sava Georgiev)
Dear friends, as you have probably noticed our beloved app was recently banned from Google Play.
As a result many features in version 1.2 may not be working any more or may be working partially.
For the 6 months in the store, thanks to the large amount of people that used it, "Block This" has managed to block more than 400 million ads, banners and viruses.
This however was very quickly noticed by the many ad networks around and led to suspending and removing it from the Play Store.
Google has stated that the ban is due to a violation of rule 4.4 of their Distribution Agreement, which basically means that they don't like us blocking ads in browsers
nor from inside other apps. As history has shown with similar apps, Google has once again used their dominant market share to limit the visibility of content
that contradicts with their private interests.
With so much control over consumer Android app distribution, Google has the responsibility to choose what is good for us on our behalf,
but whether they manage to do it in the best way remains questionable. For example
- according to PC world
malware infected Android apps in Play have nearly quadrupled in the past few years.
At the same time many privacy apps, including ours have been removed.
We have developed a brand new major version of the app - "Block This! 2.0" and are distributing it over our website. This version has all the features from the previous versions + additional performance improvements like reduced memory and CPU usage, to further boost your battery life. As we want to build more trust with our users going forward, we have made the first step and made the app 100% FREE to use with ALL features included.
With no other Android distribution portal like Google Play we can only count on YOU, to spread the word about "Block This! 2.0" and help it succeed.
Have a website, a blog, a facebook page or a youtube channel? Tell people about it. Tell your friends about it. Use the share buttons on block-this.com.
Spread the word, we really depend on your help right now.
Also, if you think the app is worth something to you and wish to donate, you can do it currently only via PayPal. Just send a small amount to sag9@abv.bg.
It will be greatly appreciated.
For questions, suggestions or just general feedback you can always contact us at blockthisapp@gmail.com.
Sava Georgiev - Developer of "Block This!"